To grow or not to grow that is the question. I've reached the point where one decides to grow his hair or to get the dreaded snip. I must say it was a sad day when I got my mullet of 3 years cut off. I do very much miss it, as do the ladies of course.
I've decided to create a pros and cons list to growing back my mullet.
* The ladies love mullets
* Keeps me warm in the o so cold winter nights
* It makes me run's a fact, just like red cars go faster than all other cars.
* No costume needed when attending 80's parties.
* Apparently mullets are for bogans? not too sure about this one though.
* Takes 1 hour of hair grooming each and every morning to get it looking just right...time well speat though if you ask me.
* Makes me look a tad bit feminine. However, it could be suggested I'm getting in touch with the woman inside me....apparently the ladies love this?!
I'll keep you posted as to what I decide....